Allied Membership Tiers
The OTA Board realigned the Allied dues structure from 2024. Please find the dues level that best fits your company’s level of membership

$500 Allied Basic
Members Receive:
Membership Visibility
Unlimited Listings of Locations/Representatives in Annual Membership Directory
Publications and Communications
Complimentary Subscription to quarterly magazine
Complimentary Subscription to weekly e-newsletter (unlimited recipients per company)
Participation and Events
Access to all association activities (with registration fee) including the Midwinter Conference, Truck Driving Championships, Two Golf Outings, Annual Convention, One or Two Clay Shoot(s), etc.
Participation in seminars, webinars, and council meetings (fees may apply)
Notification of all Association benefits, privileges, including copies of all releases, bulletins, emails, and Newsletters
Participating in discounts provided by other OTA supporting companies
Enhanced Visibility
Company name listing Business Directory Search on OTA website
Complimentary link to your company website in the Business Directory Search on OTA website

$700 Allied Enhanced
Members Receive:
All Basic Level Benefits
Participation and Events
Exhibitor Table at One OTA Event (Midwinter Conference or Annual Convention) of Choice with Attendee List provided at event

$1500 Allied Pro
Members Receive:
All Basic and Enhanced Level Benefits
Enhanced Visibility
Consideration for Allied seat on the Board of Directors for those making a commitment to an Annual Sponsorship level at Platinum, Gold, or Silver.
Premium Visibility and Promotion
FREE Exhibitor Table at Both OTA Events (Midwinter Conference and Annual Convention)