Know the difference between the OK TruckPAC and
the Legislative Success Fund
​OK TruckPAC versus LSF
The Legislative Success Fund (LSF) is a separate political fund used in conjunction with the OK TruckPAC. These monies are not given to legislative campaigns but are used in efforts to raise funds and awareness of the PAC or advance legislative agendas. For example, the OTA could host a reception for legislators using these funds but would not contribute these monies directly to their campaign. LSF funds may also be used toward the effort of fundraising activities for the PAC, such as a VIP reception, entertainment, refreshments, printed material and mailings. Unlike PAC contributions, these funds can be made from corporate (company) monies.
How Does this Affect my Contribution?
By state law, the OK TruckPAC is only allowed to accept funds from personal funds, while the LSF can receive contributions from corporate funds.​